Monday, March 13, 2006

No Coffee Day

Yesterday I decided to cut back on coffee by cutting it out completely. The following are mistakes I made that I think are the direct result of my lack of caffiene:

My youngest son said 'good morning' to me, so I disconnected the mouse from the computer and threw it outside.

I watched back to back reruns of Saved By The Bell...and enjoyed it.

When I left for work, I put the car in reverse instead of drive. It seemed like more work to correct it than driving to work backwards so I drove to work backwards.

While waiting at a red light I saw a woman yawn and thought that it was how wide she opened her mouth that made her so damned attractive.

I cried in the car for no reason and had stomach cramps at the same time. I swore I was having my period.

I got an idea for a movie script so I jotted down notes, went to the bathroom, came back and re-read my notes and realized I was writing the plot for "Zorro -The Gay Blade."

So needless to say, I'm back on the Joe.

K, bye babe.

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