Thursday, February 23, 2006

All I want is baby boomers to get their head out of their asses.

Good day all.

I have a boss at work who can't google and that makes me giggle. Yesterday she was feeling very down and depressed that she could not find a particular book in any local bookstore. I asked what book it was and she says, "Aesop's Fables." I thought that was a drag because not too long ago, I needed to find Old Yeller and had alot of difficulty. It turns out she didn't want it as a gift for someone or for her to have a copy at home, she just wanted to read a couple fables and write her own type of fable for some big boss event or something. Oh, the corporate world is so very lame!

So I said, "Hey, have you tried the internet?" She looked at me like I had found her stranded in the desert and I was carrying 30 Big Gulps. What year is this? It took me all of 2 minutes to find Aesop's Fables in their entirety. It would've taken me 1 minute but I had to spend one minute shaking my head and contemplating her stupidity.

I ended up spending the rest of my day trying to figure out how someone could be that dense and it hit me. She's one of those weird baby boomers that has had everything done for her. Her education (she has 3 degrees, one of which is journalism!) totally paid for, her husband makes somewhere around 250 gees a year, and her employees find Aesop's Fables on the internet for her. She is so out of touch with reality.

I like to make things up on this blog but I promise you, these are true quotes from her. I promise!!! Seriously!

"Being in a wheelchair ain't all bad, the spot you get at the movie theatre has so much leg room!"

"I hate Hawaii. There's too many tourists. I should know, I've been there 7 times." (yeah, cry me a river).

"My husband is going to kill me, I bought a baby grand piano at lunch."

"The Vagina Monologues was very funny but they could have had a man's point of view for balance."

"My son was suspended from school for breaking into the artroom and destroying other students' stuff. His teachers are out to get him, I swear."

This one is my favorite:

"In my day we all just wanted peace, love and understanding and we had that for awhile. Then the next generation comes along and with them it's all about violence. I don't understand how kids could end up so selfish when their parents practiced peace. It's obviously video games and rap music."

I'm sure it's not all boomers but it seems to me that a large chunk of them will blame society's ills on anything but how they raised their own children. Sorry boomers, I hate to be mean but it's true. Now please go back to spending my retirement funds.

1 comment:

denise said...

Ummmmm, what's a google?
