Wednesday, February 08, 2006

2 legs good, 4 legs bad.

The title of today's blog entry comes from either George Orwell's "Animal Farm" or David Lee Roth's "Just Like Paradise," I can never remember. But I think its appropriate because I realized today that I'm a follower and not a leader. I mean, I knew it all along, but I think today I can just come out and admit it to you, my mother - the only reader of this blog - that I'm as original as Sinbad (the comedian, not the male stripper).

I dunno.

As you may or may not know, I started this blog about a month ago but I really did not know how many of these things are out there. I thought, 'Hey, I'll blog along with the 150 or so other bloggers out there and it'll be fun.' I've discovered that 150 is a number soo comparitively small, that microeconomists would compare my figure with the actual number and laugh themselves into a career in automotive repair. I mean, if just blogs dedicated to crappy poetry and superficial comments on American politics were trees,
the number would be a billion times 3
and the gov't would fall to it's knees,
you see?

My point is that there are a whole whack of people who have a blog. And it raises some very important questions for a guy who wants to stand out, questions like, "How do I stand out?"

I suppose I could dedicate this space to something I'm passionate about, but a blog about handicapped midget scat sex already exists (no link here, just google it ya lazy ass).

I thought my Friday Foot picture would be amusing but it seems some dick-wad in Kentucky has been doing that for a couple years now and he gets 10 times the amount of comments on his blog.

I dunno.

Am I having a crisis here? Is this the point of my life where I question my existence in this Bloggiverse? Do I take the easy way out and commit Bloggicide or do I soldier on like a soldier who's been decieved by his leaders? Do I pick up a book by Noam Blogsky in an effort to find the grotesque underbelly of Blog, thereby thinking I can change the bloggiverse from within?

I dunno.

K, bye for now I guess.


Mr.Winkie says: said...

Oh trust me, I ain't quitting. I just picked a topic out of my big jar of topics and went with this one.

KLB said...

That's link to an article entitled How To Run A Sticky Blog. If you're interested.