Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Friday!

To tide yall over for the weekend (man, I'm treating it like someone reads this thing) here's a picture of a shoe I like. I like it because it maintains an open top of the foot yet the straps subtetly hint at bondage. Now, if only my wife would agree to wear something like these, I wouldn't have to publish pics and talk about them. I've tried to convince her that if she did wear something like this, our "sessions" would be done much quicker and she could go on with reading her Dianne Galbadon, scottish romanc/fantasy novels much sooner. Does anyone out there want to talk to her on my behalf?

Have a good weekend people! See ya Monday.


Mr.Winkie says: said...

Umm, they're not for wearing and walking around in. They're designed specifically to rest on my shoulder during those "special moments."

Mr Winkie

denise said...

Hey - where'd you get a picture of my shoes?


Mr.Winkie says: said...

I got that picture clandestinely while we sat on the couch in Calgary!

Mr. Winkie