Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quickest posting ever

I haven't had a thought in 3 days. At first, I thought that someone had been slipping me Xanax but I realized that I was just overthinking the issue.

When I say I didn't have a thought, you may think that I'm talking about some sort of creativity block or something but no, I mean I didn't think for 3 days. Nothing but grey in my brain for 72 hours. It was awesome! I think. Anywhoo, I'm back in full force today; just sittin' around and thinking my ass off. Here's some thoughts:

My fingertips smell like bacon bits. I dunno why, they just do. What did I do in my fog??

I wouldn't want to be probed by Aliens or Dr. Phil.

I wish the bad guy in the SAW films was a game show host. "Contestants, we are about to play a game," "Tell her what she's won, Charlie!"

I want to make a home sex video with a famous person. Someone like Rue Maclenahan.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh skimina rinky dinky dink, skimina rinky dooo, I love asssss.

K, this was stupid,

Mr. Winkie


lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

dude you just made saw sicker than it already is. brilliant lol.

The Stiltwalker said...

I'd rather do 'Ma', lol.