Last year saw a number of big giant pop hits. Here's a sample of lyrics to some of my favorites:
Oh I Love Loving You, Love - Mariah Carey
I'm in love with you
Oh I love loving you love
You love me too
Oh I love loving you love
Listen to my words
And put the gun in your mouth
I got saccrine for you baby
Put the gun in your mouth
Paintin' my Penis - Nickelback
Do you know what I got in my pocket
Is it gum why don't you find out now
Do you know that you got the flow
It don't bother me to paint my penis
Gonna paint my penis yeahhhhh
Crimson, puce, magenta, cherry blossom
Paint it now, paint it now
A lesser man would play possum
I Woke Up - Bruce Springsteen
Sleepy little head o' mine rises from the pillow
Forgotten dreams will be washed away
With a newspaper article and a cup of Joe
It's gonna be a brand new day
Throw back the covers then put 'em on again
Sometimes it's just so so so so so cold
Wander in REM for an hour or ten
Gotta take out the trash and brush my teeth
Sometimes I think that I probably should do something
Like get up and wash my car
But then again it's so so so so cold
That I probably won't today but maybe tomorrow.
When Will I Drift Away?- Nicole Ritchie
I'm so tired of this world, it's holding me down
Must learn to defy gravity
Wish the wind would pick me up
And take me away to eternity
Wish people would stop starring
I know they can see right through me
Wish the wind would pick me up
I'd flutter away like a leaf
When will I drift awayyyyyyy
I guess I should just lighten up
But I want to fly away todayyyyy
But I'm so heavy from that sip of 7-up
Bye bye, and buy bonds,
Mr. Winkie