Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm a Blackman

It's tough being a blackman in today's society. Our culture has been appropriated by whitey for a couple hundred years and frankly I'm sick of it.

Yeah, that's right, I'm part black, homey. I'm also part native/ chinese/ japanese/ jewish/italian/ english/ samoan/ russian/ arabic, with just a dash of Newfie thrown in there too (that's where I get my silly streak from). In fact, I've had cards made up with my complete cultural lineage (email me if you want me to send you one). My card is 2 legal sized pages long and I think I'm the first guy ever to do that! Some have called my card cumbersome but they tend to be racists.

One thing I do like about society today is that everyone is so proud of thier heritage that we're getting further and further apart! Which is great because the further I'm away from Vikings the better off I am. Fucking Vikings. They smell, you know.

Keep it real,

Mr. Winkie

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