Monday, April 10, 2006

Spreken da Bitzsch?

Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.

One chunk of "Conqueror Worm" by Edgar Allen Poe

So, I think the above passage really sums everything up quite nicely, don't you? It's obvious that what Poe is refering to in the Conqueror Worm (and all his work really) is that folks need to be more friendly to each other when they go shopping.

Yesterday, I went to Safeway to pick up 2 loaves of bread and from the minute I approached the automatic door to the second I walked out of the store, I was raped with grumpiness by 3 different people. Folks sure can be charming, can't they?


LADY 1: "Excuse me sir, can you tell me where I would find cooking utensils?"

ME: "Sorry, I don't work here but I think they're..."

LADY 1: Well, think all you like but it doesn't do me much good, does it?"

(She sticks her surgery altered nose in the air and strolls off)
-End scene

Scene 2 (20 seconds later) INT./SAFEWAY/DAY

Man with chip on shoulder reaches for toilet paper on upper shelf and slips. His bum hits the ground.
MAN: Fucking, fuck! Who mops up around here? Fuck!

ME: Are you okay?

MAN: Fuck you!


Scene 3 (10 seconds later)

ME checks out bread by squeezing it. Puts 2 loaves in basket. ME turns as a lady walks by. She looks at me.

LADY 2: You are an idiot for shopping here.


I think Safeway should maybe check their air quality or something. Maybe they have toxic air circulating and it's causing people to be assholes. Anyway, I didn't let it ruin my day. I just went home and took my frustration out on the family then I was fine.

Ciao bellas

1 comment:

Mr.Winkie says: said...

You heard me!

Welcome back by the way, if this is in fact who I think it is.